1. Stonehell Expedition
Am 28. Dezember startete die Stonehell Open Table Kampagne. Die drei Spieler erstellten sich neue LotFP Charaktere und begannen das Spiel im Gasthaus “Alter Hund”. Nach einer knappen Vorstellungsrunde durfte jeder auf der standart Stonhell-Gerüchtetabelle würfeln. Am nächsten Morgen brach die Gruppe zum Dungeon auf. Die Abenteuer untersuchten das Gatehaus gründlich, töteten eine Handvoll Goblins, flohen vor ein paar Wespen und begruben die Knochen von fünf Geister. Für das Begraben der Knochen bekam jeder Spieler 100xp. Read More.
Gaming Menu
Games, campaigns and ideas I would like to play. Read More.
Zoganza - An exercise creating interesting relations in a city
Two of the PCs just arrived at their first bigger city, Zoganza. I want to give the city some forces (also called fractions) and relationships between the to help me improvise at the table. Let us find out who the main forces in the city are, how they relate to each other and what the very next event will be. The list of forces in the city is composed by: Read More.
1d115 Industries
Here is a numbered list of industries published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Read More.
Character Secrets
Shower thought: If the sum of abilities bonuses of a character is equal or less than 0, he has a secret he doesn’t know about yet. Roll on this table of secret secrets: Read More.