The Dry Dog Inn

Factions and Reactions Sheet

#osr #d&d #stonehell #downloads #Nordmark Kampagne

TL;DR: Download the Faction-Reaction tracking sheet at the end of the post.

Our megadungeon Stonehell campaign (Nordmark Kampagne) got a second player group. We now play thrice a week, and keeping up with notes becomes challenging.

With “second player group”, I mean a group of players that do not play during the open table sessions (on Wednesday and Sunday), but instead committed loosely to always play on Thursday evenings. In world, we know have an adventurer group called “Trockene Hunde/ Dry Dogs” and one adventurer group named “Donner Gruppe”1.

That leads to a lot of bookkeeping, as I can’t rely occasionally on a player helping me to remember what changed in a room, or how a monster would react. And I do track fraction reactions modifier as described in Stonehell Dungeon Into the Heart of Hell, p. 9. (Every good action towards a faction grants a +1 reaction bonus, and an -2 modificator for enemy faction of that group; A negative actions gives a -2 modificatior to reaction rolls)

I decided to track reaction modifier for each player group separately. So I created a sheet to fill up factions, a page reference, enemies, friends, some notes and two columns for my two player groups.

It’s in color. If the red is hard to read, you can grab and edit the SVG or print in black and white.


  1. In practice, the group doesn’t have an in game name yet, I invented one for the sake of the blogpost. Please forgive me. ↩︎